This page is so characters who are from this town have at least heard about what's where.
Ardarr-Norr rough neighborhood map (pop 16800)
Neighborhood summaries
Main street
The town's only straight road leads from the harbor to the outdoor market, which is right inside the stone wall.
Mostly full of open stalls at sunrise, and of loiterers at sunset.
City officers direct the intake, taxation, and inventory of incoming ships here. The stone making up the harbor was hand-excavated by local laborers. There are warehouses here owned by local and foreign companies. Only a few are outfitted with workshops.
Shipyard district
Companies here build, repair, modify ships, and adjust vessel weaponry, masts, number of oars, amount of cargo space, etc.
Whaler Town
Here are the homes and workplaces of whalers, whale processors, and ivory carvers.
Besides modest homes there are the docks, warehouses, tool shops, whale parts shops, and stone whale pits.
Pearl Town
Here are large churches, villas of reputable merchants, and walled homes of semi-retired knights and rich people.
Thelka's Fortress
A walled stone fortress housing and training active-duty heavy cavalry. There seems to be 6-12 servants per soldier, a fraction of which live inside the castle.
Scrivener Platz
Shops for literate people and homes of people who work at them. The university is here, and so are stationers, paper makers, bookbinders, and some temples.
Pilgrim Village
Mostly houses boasting multiple rooms with enough land to garden on. There are additionally two watch houses, which are also lookout posts.
Hemp Town
The homes and shops of weavers, bleachers, fullers, drapers, tailors, and ropemakers.
Lumber Town
The homes of loggers, sawyers, and carpenters.
Honey Grove
A forested thicket, originally used by the Fhokki-Dejy settlers for divination rituals.
Bunny Park
A grassy outdoor park used for common grazing; full of skunks and rats. A few homes are here.
Dall Village
A neighborhood of empty grass lots, alleys between collapsing buildings, and abandoned temples and brothels. The people are mostly all friendly.
Gutter Town
A labyrinth of violent muggers and night-killers.
PC Resources
Popular workplaces:
boning whales
shucking oysters
caning (making wicker things)
running a sales stall
Social spots:
the jet horns (candy shop)
the goblin sow (main st bar)
almar's shop (cafe)
the lucky lord dolphin (dall village bar)
pilgrim town commons
grove wrestlin pit
north gate market
Known Dangers:
undisciplined soldiers
offended knights
offended barbarians
itinerant brawlers
occasional fishmen
Rest spots:
harbor trading post
the tipsy joint (harbor tavern)
the blubber bush (whaler town tavern)
gruders' inn (hemp town)
tholik's inn (lumber town)
big game lodge (bunny park)
the rawhide hostel (dall village inn)
these are rough ideas that can be extended or elaborated by player characters' backgrounds and npc friends