
AN thieves


Wood-elf Thief 1, N


A round-faced elf-man with a scrawny, skinny-fat physique and stubby legs. He has a lush, dark brown complexion, short-shorn black hair, and brown-black eyes under thin, tweezed eyebrows.


Typical tasks

Once other guild members scout a valuable target and assess its security, Soolran is often the thief to actually sneak over, break in, and extract loot. When he is not stealing, he avoids being seen whenever possible, to this end he has created disguises within disguises.

Soolran is not especially great at picking locks, defeating violent guards or animals, lying, or any other part of burgling. While he is a decent climber, this is rarely applicable. In spite of this, he is the guild's primary burglar. The other members create brief opportunities for him, and he is the one to accept the risks of being caught. His association with other members is a secret. Soolran has been jailed twice for a few months at a time, and hasn't revealed the identities of any accomplice.

Rap sheet

Guild views / life circumstance

Soolran's larcenous bent has a religious basis. He is a close follower of the Old Oak, and spites society and commerce. He enjoys the comforts, vices, and experiences of urban life, but feels it is an inauthentic way to live. He feels that the things he does to city slickers are lesser crimes, because the cities hurt the world anyway. He cannot imagine another way to survive that would make him spiritually fulfilled, or less alienated.


Soolran, Wood-elf Thief 1, N
140yrs male, 5'8" 121lbs
Notable stats: dex 17
Birthplace: Shyff
Mother: Vevi, factotum
Father: Dallrin, baker
Name & order Closeness Occupation In-laws
Ebithe (deceased), younger sister bitter enemy leatherworker
Yadapa, younger brother argumentative garbage collector
Natarka, younger sister natural beggar
Gisoji (deceased), younger sister natural livestock merchant widower Isair, bum/vagrant/drunk
Maternal Grandparents
Mabi, garbage collector & Poaliu, bartender
Maternal aunts & uncles
Name Closeness Occupation Extended family
aunt Mesha (deceased) natural launderer widower Wimikovo, potter
aunt Tawota natural city guard widower Zerzai, bauble seller
uncle Tinnitad natural driver/hackney
uncle Yosca (deceased) devoted beggar
uncle Morji (deceased) very close bookseller widow Raska, farrier
aunt Thulmie (deceased) argumentative merchant widower Criza, lithic weaponsmith
cousin Screba
cousin Gerhin
cousin Koziaa
Paternal Grandparents
Iviba, driver/hackney & Miviy, mercenary
Paternal aunts & uncles
Name Closeness Occupation Extended family
aunt Braca very close laborer spouse Spinnak, garbage collector --infirm:missing right foot
cousin Razie
cousin Ukipa
cousin Vaelta
cousin Ugiza
cousin Pidgi
uncle Reliu (deceased) natural farrier widow Hiliza, baker
uncle Dimor argumentative farrier spouse Avima, baker
cousin Salpi
uncle Ramica natural factotum spouse Hemmig, cartographer
cousin Taelbi
cousin Zazyf
cousin Zadu
cousin Brevia
cousin Zassler
uncle Tiebrier natural clergy; old oak spouse Mibry, laborer
cousin Wieczi
cousin Ekibha
aunt Danico argumentative laborer spouse Wiejaf, beggar
cousin Yiesculpa
cousin Jagi
cousin Maramara
cousin Safi
cousin Cogwai