Character Name: Brendan Class: Barbarian Level: 2 Alignment: CG Race: ½Fhokki ½Orc Sex: M Age: 20 Height: 5'4" Weight: 180 Hair: Black, long Eyes: Purple Patron Gods: The Guardian Anointed: Guardian Handedness: Left 11 / 22% Str Dmg Mod: +0 Feat of Str: +0 Lift: 205 Carry: 12/24/48/72 Drag: 513 09 / 03% Int Attack Mod: -1 05 / 74% Wis Init Mod: +4 Defense Mod: -2 Mental Save Bonus: -2 13 / 44% Dex Init Mod: 0 Attack Mod: +1 Defense Mod: +2 Dodge Save Bonus: +1 Feat of Agility: +3 12 / 69% Con Physical Save Bonus: 0 04 / 54% Lks 05 / 00% Cha Turning Mod: -5 Morale Mod: -3 ------------------- Honor: 21 Hon Window: Average Hon Penalty Window: 0 Honor Bonuses / Penalties : None Fame: 2 Fame Category: Unknown Morale [X]Hero [ ]Fearless [ ]Brave [ ]Steady [ ]Nervous [ ]Coward ------------------- Armor Worn Body: Leather Armor (long kilt style) DR: 2+1 = 3 Dmg: 0 Shield: _ + _ Defense; Absorbs _ HP Dmg: 0 Fatigue Factor: -2 ------------------- Accumulated Building Points: 0 Threshold of Pain: 13 XP: 470 / 1200 HP: 35 Previous HP Roll: _ Wounds: Luck Points: 0 ------------------- Weapon: Fist Base Speed: 5/10 Base Damage: d4p-2 + d4p-2 Range/Reach: 1' Level | Abilities | Specialization | Talents | Racial | Armor | Shield | Magic == | Total | 1 Attack Bonus | 10* Speed | 0 Initiative -2 -4 | -6 Defense | 2d4p Damage Specialization: _ Attack _ Speed _ Defense _ Damage (base BP cost: 5 | 13 | 24 | 38 | 55) Weapon: Club Base Speed: 10 Base Damage: d6p+d4p Range/Reach: 2.5' Level | Abilities | Specialization | Talents | Racial | Armor | Shield | Magic == | Total | 1 Attack Bonus | 10 Speed | 0 Initiative 1 -2 -4 | d20p -5 Defense | d6p+d4p Damage Specialization: _ Attack _ Speed _ Defense 1 Damage (base BP cost: 5 | 13 | 24 | 38 | 55) Weapon: Spear Base Speed: 12 Base Damage: 2d6p+3 Range/Reach: 13 Level | Abilities | Specialization | Talents | Racial | Armor | Shield | Magic == | Total | 1 Attack Bonus | 12 Speed | Jab 8 | 0 Initiative -2 -4 | d20p -6 Defense | 2d6p +4 Damage Specialization: _ Attack _ Speed _ Defense _ Damage (base BP cost: 5 | 13 | 24 | 38 | 55) (Missile Weapon) Ranges: Distance | Attack Die | d20p | d20p -4 | d20p -6 | d20p -8 ------------------- Proficiencies: Battleaxe, Broadsword, Handaxe, Knife (Melee & Throwing) Spear, Throwing Axe Light Armor, Shield Minimal Skill Weapons; Club Specialization Def +1 ; Skinning and tanning Quirks / Flaws: Magic Phobia Heretic Phobia Talents, Racial Abilities: -1 DR to native animals when hunting in light or lighter armor +2 unarmed damage +2 str/dex for jump distance low-light vision tough as nails (d12 trauma checks) tough hide (+1 dr) hiking-roadmarching long-distance running stout (+1 size category for knockback) +4 save vs poison and magic physical conditioning (-4 fatigue factor) +4 improvised weapon atk Language | Mastery | Literacy Mastery Fhokki | 64 | 0 ------------------- Magic Items, Spell Components | Notes _ Mundane Item | Location | Enc Nilmerg | Following (10#) Baby Blue Tunic | Body | 0 Lime green tights | Body | 0 Wolf buckle belt | Body | 0 Long crowbar | 3 4 horseshoes | 1ea Hemp hooded cloak | Outer body | 0 Riding Boots | Feet | 0 7 SP on person Stashed Item (Grandparents' room in Dorn's Inn) Map 24 SP Grubstake (Twigshack) iron shoehorn Stowed Treasure: _ tc _ cp _ sp _ gp Location: Gems: Jewellery: Other Valuables: ------------------- Universal Skills ½cost _ Acting (Lks, Cha) _ Animal Husbandry (Wis) _ Animal Mimicry (Wis) *12 Boating (Wis) _ Cartography* (Int) *34 Climbing/Rappelling (Str, Dex) _ Current Affairs (Wis) _ Diplomacy (Cha) _ Disguise (Int, Cha) _ Distraction (Cha) _ Escape Artist (Int, Dex) _ Fire-Building (Wis) _ Glean Info. (Int, Wis, Cha) _ Hiding (Int, Dex) _ Interrogation (Wis, Cha) _ Intimidation (Str, Cha) 16 Jumping (Str) _ Law (Int) 08 Listening (Wis) _ Observation (Wis) _ Oration (Cha) _ Persuasion (Cha) _ Pick Pocket (Dex) _ Reading Lips (Int) _ Recruiting (Cha) _ Resist Persuasion (Wis) _ Rope Use (Dex) _ Salesmanship (Int, Wis, Cha) _ Scrutiny (Wis) _ Seduction, Art of (Cha, Lks) _ Skilled Liar (Cha) _ Sneaking (Dex) * 10 [+50 in tundra] Survival (Wis, Con) _ Torture (Int) _ Tracking (Wis) Other Skills 11 Artistry (Tattooing) 32 Seduction *22 Swimming *13 Dog Training *14 Hunting Family Grandma 72 Sulla (Loving) Barmaid Grandpa 68 Jökel (Indifferent) Press-gang; "The Ruddy Middlemen" Mom 33/45 D Jynda (Loving) Laborer Dec. Dad D Sajir Clergy Orc Dad (unknown orc) ½elf Dad 55 Almar Bookbinder uncle 53 D Elmin (v. close) Cartographer aunt 51 Gito (argumentative) Dog Trainer uncle 48 Dorn (argumentative) Innkeeper uncle 44 Bolun (natural) Peddler uncle 42 Norm (argumentative) Baker aunt 36 Ruthla (natural) Bum aunt 34 Blanche (argumentative) Mason uncle 28 Ronnor (enemy) Laborer (humans) brother 30 Darshuk (natural) Server brother 28/25 D Thelsted (argumentative) Engraver brother 25 Kofak (natural) Grain merchant brother 22 Murjen (natural) Laborer (½elves) brother 16 Lucril (argumentative) brother 12 Neila (argumentative) sister 10 Rokka (argumentative) sister 8 Vuza (argumentative)