
Skarnna Map

Fort Bosun

Brief Description

A cavalry base on the coast that makes forays onto islets. Fort Bosun consists of five dome-shaped buildings. Foot traffic is controlled somewhat with stone walls, portcullises, and drawbridges. Soldiers row canoes and rafts around in the moats.




There are 75 grunts, necessitating 8 sargeants.

Grunt randomizer
A describer for grunts on a random errand
Roll for every column.
Die roll Handheld equipment Current Armor Volunteer Status Morale/mental health
1 Sea-fighting gear (sabre, boarding axe) Padded Conscript (prisoner) Bad
2 Infantry gear (sabre, spear, large shield) Padded Conscript (debtor) Bad
3 Horseman gear (sabre, lance) Ringmail Conscript (troublemaker) Bad
4 Archery gear (knife, shortbow) Ringmail Volunteer Good
5 Artillery gear (knife, warhammer) Plate mail Volunteer (knight candidate) Good
6 Sapper gear (handaxe, military pick) Plate mail Volunteer (former knight candidate) Good
grunt duties
building maintenance
boat maintenance
logistics work (unloading boats and wagons)
mass combat maneuver drills
High Rankers
Commander Halon
An old Brandobian who has fought for Viljar for decades. Has a Dejy wife named "Sammock" and 6 children.
He likes big swords and hates sailors. He has a lisp.
Quartermaster Thuken
A Fhokki man who manages pay, budget, and shipping and receiving.
He thinks that he is popular because he can get people to look at him by making loud noises.
Armorer Nyst
A robust Fhokki woman who creates weapons and armor as needed. She has a handful of direct assistants and can order around low-rankers.
She is allergic to, and afraid of, cats.
Astronomer Vadach
A weathered Dejy man in charge of keeping track of time, predicting and mitigating the weather, and training navigators.
His entire body is pock-marked and he is nearsighted.
Chief Medic Stogg
A white-bearded Fhokki man. Stogg runs the infirmary and trains all cavalry in basic first aid. He performs surgeries. He investigates diseases and parasites.
Stogg is anosmic, and fears all reptiles.
Chief Mason Hussern
A sallow Fhokki man. Hussern oversees distant mining operations, plans the security of mineral transit routes, and oversees the maintenance of the fortress's waterways and buildings.
His overwork makes him absent-minded. He may also have some sort of permanent head injury. He feels a deep guilt about his absent-mindedness.


The fort keeps two knarrs and about ten skiffs. Foreign visitors and traders park in the boatyard also.
South gate
A portcullis with land-accessible doorways to both the Rainbow Dome and the Marine Dome.
North gate
An islet with no buildings. The Frog Dome is reachable by canoe from here, and the inner moat can be boated to if the trade gate is up. The north islet is a walled-off outdoor area under the fortress's control.
Marine Dome
A big brick building for loading transport longboats and small warships. The dome is stocked up with replacement ropes, oars, and sails. It has an interior moonpool-dock that leads directly to the ocean, and additionally is attached to a wooden dock open to the Reanaaria Bay. The Marine Dome receives traders, suppliers, and visitors who travel by ocean.
Rainbow Dome
Horsies sleep here, and craftsmen who need a lot of ventilation work in and around this building.
Nackimac Dome
This innermost building holds the granary, a forge, and an internal cistern of emergency water. There is a moonpool here to the fortress's interior waterways, wherein the soldiers canoe around on errands.
Willow Dome
A dome tangential to Nackimac's inner moat. Logs, food, and minerals are floated here or brought here on rafts. Occasionally, deliveries are craned over the wall.
Frog Dome
The Frog Dome is not directly accessible by the ocean, but it does have a moonpool that opens to the river. This dock-building is equipped to receive river boats, which are often chartered by people working directly for a baron in one of the castles upstream.
The Frog Dome launches war-canoe sorties to skirmish with merfolk renegades that sometimes skulk in the backswamp.