
Skarnna Map


The closest Jorakk river city to Narr-Rytarr. A town of 3300 Fhokki, who mostly hate wizards and condone slavery. The government is an informal council of big-farmers, whose shot-caller is currently Count Tharnak. During Gothmerr's initial settlement, the Fhokki from Lake Jorakk drove out "The Owl People", who are fowlers that were pushed to the Norr woods.

Gnoles are the most consistent threat, with occasional visits from grevans.

Council of Big Farmers

Eight farmers who can defend the most land, so they control the most food, so they have the biggest say in matters. The top four remain the same for decades. The bottom four change from year to year.

Count Tharnak
A needy teetotaler, overly solicitous to any female, and moreso to attractive ones.
A blusterer, bluffer, and coward. Holes up in his swamp castle, knows how to wine and dine rich foreigners.
Patriarch of the Thurl clan. A xenophobic glutton who prays obsessively. Holds a lot of rites, rituals, and festivals at his farm.
Matriarch of the Falnorgs. Tells the exact truth to everyone at all times, without embellishments and with a lot of unneccessary details. Hates reading and those who read. Loves slavery.

Neighborhoods and architecture

Scraggly pines from the outskirts are burned into charcoal, and shipped together with bog iron to bellow-furnaces that are powered by water wheels and slaves.

Two bridges cross the Jorakk river. The south bridge leads to the town's west gate, and to a road that goes to Rork's castle. The north bridge goes to a natural mid-river island that holds workshops for a shipyard of sorts.

Houses in town are typically large enough for 16 people, and are up on stilts, with the space underneath used for workshops.

Local Personalities

Magic users

A Fhokki priestess of the Overlord. She is attended by disciples, lay followers, and several slaves.
A Fhokki Minion of Misfortune. He does not formally indoctrinate or preach, and lives as a sort of mercenary sorceror, and has a big house to himself and some infrequent guests.
A hermit who protects a shoddily built cabin with evil creations, mind-reading traps, and traps employing poisoned crossbows. He has lived in the area since before the founding of Gothmerr.
A powerful dork who was run out of town. He is a halfling mage who moves between camps inside ruins and up big old trees. He is not a violent nuisance but he holds no respect for decorum. He is quite slippery and is prone to breaking promises.

Most intelligent

The person with the highest intelligence stat in the Gothmerr area is Shyash, an old Dejy grandma enslaved at Rork's castle.


A tavern near the east gate is The Tawny Unicorn. The signature drink is a watery white wine. The walls are nearly completely upholstered with ram fleeces and varied sheep horns.

The barkeep is Tornek, a quite old Fhokki man who is unnecessarily abrasive and ornery.


A local physician is a Sil-Karg veteran named Buldaz, who is in no hurry to return to any battlefield in any way. He will overcharge if he knows someone has money, but only ever in slight amounts.


An older Sil-karg woman named Jefine makes a modest living carving figurines. She loves selling ivory chess sets, but can be talked into cheaper undertakings.



A Fhokki named Dhagskor buys up surplus dry food from merchants and resells them at a spruce shack close to the north bridge. Dhagskor does not acknowledge personal space, and also clumsily knocks things over and trips a lot.


Broadswords are a favorite of the locals who are eager to fight duels. Spears are common for self-defense. The journeyman smith Krael is happy to make either on commission, to break up the monotony of cranking out strongboxes and cages. He can make other weapons, but they have a 50% chance of being shoddy.


Because of historic clashes with orcs and troglodytes, there is a tradition of armorsmithing still being practiced in Gothmerr. Two armorers who sell to the public are Kernak and Fona.

Kernak is a a foppish Fhokki with a deep-seated fear of being left alone for any amount of time.

Fona is a an equally fanciful Dejy woman with short-term memory problems.

More skilled armorers live on the big-farmers' manors.

Thief tools

Lockpicks are not manufactured locally and there are no locksmiths. There are quality pickaxes available at Ronska's hardware store. Ronska is terrified of heights and thinks the world is flat. She is 21.

Horse stuff

Harnesses, saddles, and oversized brushes are made and sold by a fhokki man named Norro. He stresses that his tack and harness is inhumanly difficult to make. He is never out of bed before 2PM.


A young dejy man named Ardek sells bags of torches and brass mining lanterns. He never feels sympathy for anyone.

Musical instruments

An elf woman named Sothilia sells big drums and some other noisemakers. She only wears silver-colored clothes and is allergic to pollen.


Paper, vellum, and papyrus are not made locally. Locals sometimes purchase books to examine moreso than read.

Jewelery & moneychanging

Farmers make major purchases with gold or silver rings. They are frequently left on a single coil of 10. They may trade them for heaps of foreign coins.


Random ordinary people from the general public (pubgoers, farmers, etc).
Roll a d12 for each column.
Roll Alignment Occupation Religion Family-size (surviving) Vices/preferred-bribe
1 Lawful Neutral Fisher Agnostic Unmarried Tobacco
2 Lawful Neutral Fisher Casual Worshipper Unmarried Tobacco
3 Neutral Woodcutter Close Follower Unmarried Cannabis
4 Neutral Woodcutter Close Follower Unmarried Cannabis
5 Neutral Woodcutter Close Follower 1 kid Cannabis
6 Lawful Evil Shepherd Close Follower 1 kid Liquor
7 Lawful Evil Shepherd Anointed 2 kids Liquor
8 Lawful Evil Tanner Anointed 2 kids Liquor
9 Neutral Evil Tanner Anointed 3 kids Liquor
10 Chaotic Evil Bean Farmer Anointed 4 kids Mushrooms
11 Chaotic Evil Barge Sailor Anointed 5 kids Mushrooms
12 Chaotic Evil Shipwright Anointed 5 kids Mushrooms


The locals' past practice of capturing random Dejy for slavery has made Gothmerr a place for them to avoid when not travelling with a large armed escort.

Gothmerr has an agreement with Narr-Rytarr, that caravans from Narr-Rytarr may refuge at the residences of the Gothmerr noble families, typically while taking trips to gather and process bog iron to be brought back to Narr-Rytarr. In return, a few dozen conscripts from Narr-Rytarr serve as personal guards for the ruling Gothmerr families.

Generations ago, certain wealthy farmers from Gothmerr would trade slaves with orcs from the nearby forests. The orc tribes that participated in this slave trade are no more, and have been replaced with smaller orc posses that hunt humans for food and leather.


Local Manors

Tharnak's Castle

A stone keep with a diverted brook inside its courtyard. A lot of labor goes toward branding slaves, shooting escaped slaves, and impaling caught slaves. The castle grounds include a gibbet, outdoor cages, and a gallows that fits 24 nooses.

There is a general-purpose prison under the castle, whose walls are being pushed in by weathering. The other nobles generally send their death row prisoners to Tharnak's jail (they gave themselves the right to order executions).

Tharnak maintains siege towers and siege machines on the premesis to intimidate other local castles.

Rork's Castle

A fired brick castle in a backswamp. Foreign caravans are typically entertained and boarded at Rork's estate. There is an orchard and a rudimentary zoo, as well as several free-roaming exotic pets. The servants keep a bear drunk and clean up auk shit.

Rork's guard commander Ukhaal specializes in unconventional pike tactics.

Thurl Villa

Home of the Thurl big-farmer clan. A log palisade containing a sod tunnel of longhouses, and multiple small barns and smokehouses.

Falnorg Manor

A wooden mansion built outward from a taller rectangular stone tower. In the past it could signal Narr-Rytarr via other towers along the river, but the others have been abandoned and mostly razed.

The Falnorgs are an old clan of slave traders who go out of their way to obstruct literacy. The extended family possesses an overlarge stockpile of weapons and other military material.

Horse Ranches

Ranch of a Dejy clan called "The Virtuous Bells". They produce big horses that are trained to provide power in torture machines.
Farm of a Dejy ranching group called "The Divine Lancers". They are pioneers in breeding "the disposable horse".


A town of wattle-daub and sod houses in a pine mire.
The tavern is called The Sodden Adamantine Eagle. Its proprietor is Snorfa, a middle-aged Fhokki woman with six kids. She is a sadist who has a low pain tolerance. A satchelmaker who works for the surrounding towns is Tark. He is a Fhokki greybeard who never wants to stray far from his family.
Two of the local bumpkins are hunters named Dakther and Ibty. Dakther is a Fhokki woman who prattles gossip and blurts before speaking. Ibty is a Dejy woman who keeps her head down and tries to stay out of trouble.
A few houses and a watermill by a small stream. Yakford is a short walk from a peat bog.
The pub is called The Sassy Indigo Fox. The tavernkeeper is a Fhokki man named Jhekfar. He has never given anyone a drink or meal on the house. The young man has several burn scars on his body from the waist down. A masterful costumer named Nathry has a small home in Yakford. She believes shopping around brings terrible luck. She was born with a small conical horn growing out of her forehead.
One of the junior millers is named Groal. He is hard-of-hearing and speaks pretty loudly. He also has no depth perception. Another local is Daktan, a young factotum. Daktan is near-sighted and tries to weasel out of jobs that involve getting on a ladder.

Adventure rumor

The wild town

Somewhere in the frosty moors to the west, escaped slaves have joined Dejy who've lived in the forest for centuries, and have started a farming community together called Bloomshod. There are some little ways to help them and there have been some big ways to hurt them. The four powerful noble families of Gothmerr routinely pay mercenaries to recon the escapee community, spy on them, and harass them by destroying a few houses or families before a hasty retreat. The Gothmerr nobles' dream is to recapture their escaped slaves and additionally enslave the people who helped them.

A player party could divert or deceive slaver bands, or fortify the new town.

The wild vault

There is a steel vault in the west that launched a boulder apparently into the sun. There are hedgehog angels there who only defend the place and don't seem to need food.

Monster place

Fallen Ecumenical Temple

This was meant to be a temple to all the gods. It achieved altars for nine gods before it was destroyed by the fighting of opposing priests. Now it is a ruin, near a spot called The Pit of Hostility.

Torture Device Junkyard Catacombs

A natural warren that was converted to an ossuary. At one point it was occupied by the goblin clan 'Gruzniz' who filled it with disgusting traps and torture devices. Mostly they tortured animals.

A secret alliance of dwarfs and fairies killed a few of the goblins, many of the remaining goblins retreated to caves in the Vrykarr mountains. The dwarfs looted the crypt, but did not go too far in. The catacombs were abandoned and later vandalized by grevans.

Far past the traps are lizardman necromancers, who war with the goblin sorcerors that stayed in the catacombs.