
Skarnna Map


Ramu is a small village, the closest named town to Ardarr-Norr. The community supports the nearby Barri family horse ranch. An hour down the road is Baron Norri's castle "Coral Estate". Norri owns several mines and most masons in the region answer to him in one way or another.

Surplus stone that doesn't get used in Norri's castle becomes part of Ramu. The ground floor walls of most houses are made of stone, and the town is shut in by a high stone wall. Ramu is the home of several skilled mule breeders and muleskinners. Most of the other inhabitants are miners or masons.

The largest local tavern is called The Feasting Priest. Its owner is Babka, a Kalamaran man who was born in Daruk. Babka is colorblind (grayscale vision) and relies on written labels. He has a high written vocabulary in Kalamaran and Fhokki, and good penmanship.