
Skarnna Map


*Trarr has additional details in K&C1000.

Trarr is a Drokkher city of 5500 people of Fhokki and Dejy ancestry. It was built on the intersection of the Jendasha and Jorakk rivers, around the same time that Narr-Rytarr was founded (37 years ago). Before the Wars of Discord, the Fhokki settlers pushed out "The Sage Tribe", who now live on Lake Jorakk and mostly never returned.

Trarr is directly downriver from Thybaj's market city Dakyno, as well as the forest town Vhott. It is run by the Duke Aggdar and his son Urred. Aggdar answers to a council of trade magnates. Each magnate owns an estate. Each magnate sets tariffs for foreign merchants. The council cooperates and adjusts their tariff rates seasonally, to give different preferential deals to specific council members. The four of them also run a manorial court system for local legal disputes.

Gnolls, grevans, and undead are the most significant monster threats.

The Magnate Council

The Fhokki Duke who lives in the Ducal Keep. He is not careful about avoiding wars or mitigating diplomatic incidents. His mind has been warped into overconfidence by the insane wealth granted to him by foreign commodity traders.
A Fhokki grandmother who lives in Nettle Keep. Wulna's soldiers, hunters, and guards harass every sort of visitor and local, soliciting fines from anyone they can bully. Wulna does nothing to discourage this. She is fond of price-gouging tobacco and honey. She has an overlarge stockpile of weapons. In addition, she is a paranoid snob boor.
A representative of the local Raitho-Dejy ranchers, whose horses drive the city's participation in the global economy. He lives in Vetch Manor. He has no table manners, picks his nose, belches a lot.
A Tharthy-Dejy Dathoki from Shyta-Thybaj. He represents an interest in the partnership between Thybaj and Trarr. He lives in a local mansion called Dove Manor. He is a vocal snob.
Thybaj, Trarr, and the Vrykkar gnomes have plenty of silver and gems, but Ardarr-Norr does not. One of Crosh's economic wishes is to create a mineral trade agreement between Trarr and Ardarr-Norr, undercutting the mountain-dwelling gnomes.

Neighborhoods and architecture

The Jendasha river reaches the north-south Jorakk river from the west, intersecting it like this: ┤.

Trarr is sectioned into northwest, southwest, northeast, and southeast neighborhoods. Each district has one council manor in it, or close by. Fullers and tanners are downriver, in the north. Brewers and bakers are in the south.

The rivers have a few stilt houses half-resting in the water, and a few houseboats. There are separate docks for fishers, traders, and the shipyard.

The sawmill hews logs floated from Vhott, and has a water-powered gangsaw. The workers at the shipyard build and butcher barges, cogs, carracks, and pinnaces.

Aggdar and Wulna's water castles are west, and are across the Jendasha river from each other. Yengjor and Crosh's mansions are in the eastern neighborhoods, walled in the middle of town.

Local Personalities

Magic users

An elderly Sealfat Berserker who once fought the Sage Tribe. He lives in a longhouse with pastures, together with a small army of clerics and mercenaries. His home was a gift for his service during the Wars of Discord.
Izra the Sleety
A pious follower of the Storm Lord. She is the scion of humble turnip farmers and she has lightning powers. Locally, she is widely feared because she can create floods at will. She is valuable to the Skarnna cavalry because her rains can delay the marches of invaders.
A mage who lives in a normal house and is open about his magic powers and is pompous despite absolutely nobody liking him or feeling safe around him.
A dockworker who experiments with spells in secret. He has no consistent source of spells or school. He has paused his magic studies after his third mishap, which gave him extra thumbs on the backs of his hands. The new thumbs leak green slime out from their nails, which resemble cockroach wings.

Most intelligent

The person in town with the highest intelligence is neither the jerk wizard nor the dockworker. They are not a scribe, a magnate, or the chirugeon. Trarr's most erudite citizen is the tavern keeper Haargo, who is a student of history and is very calculating with his staff and patrons. His bar is called "The Mithril Crow".


Another local hosteler is Ethma, who runs a large brick inn frequented by Skarnnans and decorated with hundreds of antlers. Ethma is quicktempered, universally disrespectful, immoderate, lawful evil, and divorced.


One reputable physician is Ikada, a barber-surgeon from Shyta-Thybaj who used to do caravan work. He finds it difficult to fake kindness or niceties after being menaced and tortured by bandits and humanoids several times. Because of this, people in need of medical procedures sometimes avoid him. He is happily married to his wife Ralm and is attentive to their baby daughter Therrifal.


There is an imposing Fhokki woman named Narv who polishes gigantic rocks, creates little thin flakes out of small rocks, and makes murals with soot. She lives comfortably because she is a brilliant gem cutter.



Besides the food at the inn and the tavern, rations and wineskins can be purchased from Juker. He is a cruel halfling who farms rabbits.


Daj is a youthful Raitho-Dejy woman with her own forge. She mainly sells handaxes, spears, and big daggers (really short swords) for self-defense or work purposes. Personally, she likes making polearms the most, although these are sacriligeous to berserkers, so they don't sell well. She gets lonely overly easily and invites people to hang out and chat while she works if she trusts them even a little.


Leather armors and gambesons can be bought from Jorgi. He talks a lot and does not do much listening.

Horse stuff

There are several cottages selling saddles, reins, saddlebags, halters, and harnesses. One is the dwelling of Shannik, a Raitho-Dejy. She is a bad liar (if that ever comes up).

Thief tools

Jothgor is a hardworking locksmith. He isn't home much, and is often a guest at one manor or another. He is so overworked that he has decided to sell saws and crowbars so people can circumvent their locks themselves. He usually carries a lock and picks that he fidgets with.


The Fhokki woman Mythko has a rickety wooden stall near a part of the river that doesn't smell too bad. She sells clay lamps and lamp oil. She generally talks in continuous streams.

Musical instruments

Ravelkin is an older Fhokki man who sells musical instruments from the first floor of his stone house and repairs them in a sunny room on the second floor. He despises exerting effort and will take a month to do a one-day repair if not actively hounded.


Ink, paper, and scrollcases are sold in a stone building that was made out of a collapsed bridge. The shop is run by a Raitho-Dejy woman named Nesha. She is quick to get into shouting matches.

Jewelery & moneychanging

There is a moneychanger inside the walls of the Ducal Keep. A small counter window in the outer courtyard opens to the office and vaults of Rinner, a young Raitho-Dejy man. He is overly sensitive and may cancel transactions due to impoliteness and perceived slights.


Random ordinary people from the general public (pubgoers, farmers, etc).
Roll a d12 for each column.
Roll Alignment Occupation Religion Family-size (surviving) Vices/preferred-bribe
1 Lawful Good Fisher Agnostic Unmarried Tobacco
2 Chaotic Good Fisher Casual Worshipper Unmarried Tobacco
3 Lawful Neutral Longshoreman Casual Worshipper 1 kid Tobacco
4 Lawful Neutral Longshoreman Casual Worshipper 1 kid Tobacco
5 Neutral Drayer Casual Worshipper 2 kids Cannabis
6 Neutral Poultry Peddler Casual Worshipper 2 kids Cannabis
7 Neutral Bean & Turnip Farmer Casual Worshipper 3 kids Cannabis
8 Chaotic Neutral Lumberjack Casual Worshipper 3 kids Liquor
9 Chaotic Neutral Tanner Close Follower 3 kids Liquor
10 Lawful Evil Cook Close Follower 4 kids Liqour
11 Neutral Evil Miller Anointed Follower 5 kids Mushrooms
12 Chaotic Evil Vagrant Anointed Follower 6 kids Coffee



Local Manors

Ducal Keep
Trarr's Ducal keep is a cloistered, balled-up stone mess crammed around the crowns of small hills, within a mile of the Jorakk river. It is fed water by irrigated channels.
The keep's inner byways twist through cramped-together thin buildings and spindly miniature towers like an endless alley, full of holes in the walls for spears and arrows.
The cobbled courtyards are jammed up with intercepting half-walls, oblique ditches, and small but sudden changes in elevation.
It features an outer moat and two irregular inner moats of deep water, with frequent pit-like small pools.
Above, turret rooms are inside of and suspended between randomly-placed towers.
Water wheels power querns, bellows, helves, winches, wells, and a super ballista.
Nettle Keep
Wulna's castle on a large private lake with boats.
The walls are nearly fifty feet high. The courtyard is roomy with only a few disconnected small buildings within.
The main house is a housebarn made of thick stone, a combined barn and tower. Animals are housed on the east ground floor, and sleeping quarters are above them.
Vetch Manor
Yengjor's sprawling and gloomy spruce mansion, enclosed by a twisty black iron fence. The house is U-shaped with an adjoined stables, and a cellar that eventually leads to the river through a freezing-cold cavern. It is guarded by Raitho-Dejy soldiers supplied by the families running the local ranches.
The manor features a huge garden of beans, lupines, apple trees, and carrots. There is an outdoor brick oven for huge enormous breads. The grounds are kept rat-free by the border-collie guard dogs. Yengjor's baker Tand collects herbs and tests them on a small hutch of chickens and pigs. He's amassed a small catalogue of poisons and cordage plants.
Dove Manor
Crosh's mansion made of resiny redwoods plastered up with stucco, painted with motifs of ducks and scenes of buffalo hunts. Once a month his manor functions as a supply depot and hostel for foreign caravans. There is a stock of draft horses stabled in half of the ground floor. The house guards come all the way from Shyta-Thybaj, are paid for by the foreign city, and primarily speak Tharthy-Dejy.

Horse Ranches

The Cloister of Seasons
The hacienda of the Wheel Clan. Humans who believe that the less fortunate should always be helped.
Copper Elbow
Home of the Amber Clan, an extended family of Dejy motivated absolutely entirely by greed.


A hub of a few farm roads. Less than 20 people live in Workspatter. The local tavern is called The Lively Eagle. The tavernkeeper is Togg, a guy who obstinately tells jokes when no one wants to hear any. The farrier Rekki lives here. She shoes horses around all the nearby towns.
Garhorm, a laborer who mainly shovels roads together, has a small house here. Another guy here is Eitakk, a laborer who mostly lays bricks.
A town of piers and shacks surrounded by icy swamps. The tavern is called the Singing Unicorn. The proprietress is named Elkka. She is a loud talker. A locally famous bookbinder named Warrok lives here. He has an inexplicable need to be liked by strangers and gets defensive when he is not liked immediately, although he is not vicious.
A fowler named Darnor also lives in Runetrammel. He loves making small bird pies but usually doesn't have flour. A fisherwoman named Vishe also lives here. She makes nets, she fishes, and she smokes her own fish.

Adventure rumor

The Mysterious Mule

Last week, a mule cantered into town from the east. He avoided the touch of people and wouldn't accept food, but knew the purpose of a variety of tools. The locals nicknamed him "Boggy". A muleskinner from the Amber clan caught him, put tack and harness on him and was going to sell him as an "advanced mining kit", equipped with saddlebags and mining tools. Boggy was also decorated with perfumes and fine trinkets to sweeten the deal.

The day they took Boggy to market, he bolted off into the forest when everyone was looking at a grackle. The Amber clan hunted him, pursuing his tracks with hounds and arrows, but they have yet to find him or any of his loot. They've resorted to digging long lines of pits near watering holes. The mage Renelu suspects that Boggy could be dead, and if so, he wants to autopsy him.

Monster place

Goldblush was a trading post built in the hills east of Vhott thirty years ago (about fifty miles southeast of Trarr). It was like a small town, with a palisade and watchtowers. The remote market suffered frequent attacks from orcs, who were convinced they could summon Grarg at this spot. The armies who could guard Goldblush had already been worn down by the Wars of Discord, and the merchants trading in Goldblush decided to no longer keep stocks of luxury commodities near orc territory. The bazaar was abandoned, and Fort Blaze was then built a short march east of it. A ghast eventually moved into Goldblush, and the ghost town has become his domain.