
twitch bot setup guide for wrangel

(for a bot named 'wrangbot':)

To get the token:

  1. Make sure you don't have anything listening on your local machine on port 3000
  2. Make a twitch account called wrangbot
  3. Go to wrangbot's settings, verify email & enable 2fa
  4. While logged in as wrangbot, go to https://dev.twitch.tv/console
  5. Install the twitch cli on your local machine. the process depends on your OS but it's easy https://dev.twitch.tv/docs/cli/
  6. Configure the 'twitch' utility in a cli to tell it it's handling wrangbot
  8. Use the twitch utility's token command to request specific permissions for your bot

To write the program:

Documentation for your twitch library should show you where to pass the token, set the command prefix, respond to specific chatter names, etc. You can get pretty far without knowing how to program. If you do know how to program that's very helpful.

The library I've used is twitchio for python. It has a couple walkthroughs.