
Play Log

May 21 2024

Solo game for Brendan the barbarian, gm'd by snoudgy, and played by qugana.

May 28 2024

Brendan solo game again

Brendan visited Kraddok, the Guardian priest who anointed him, to heal his giant tick wound. Kraddok made Brendan stay after midnight so he could pray for new spells, as he had been curing an escaped slave named Yarto. Yarto had been a fisherman, but lost an arm escaping galley slavery, and is now learning cheesemaking. Kraddok suggested to Brendan that if he ever has a spare cow, giving it to Yarto could greatly help the cause of Brendan's chosen religion.

Brendan immediately set out to find an escaped cow on a bandit-filled road. Hearing mooing coming from the ruins of a fortified barrow, he entered the dark dungeon, taking the one-armed old man with him. Bringing no torches, no waterskin, no shield, and no armor, Brendan was immediately critted and knocked into a daze by an animal skeleton. The escaped slave held the fish at bay long enough for Brendan's pain-trauma to subside. Once Brendan finally landed a single club-strike and killed the fishbone beast, the duo withdrew from the quest to rescue the dungeon cow. Brendan had a single hit point, a sprain-like injury, and a permanent loss of a point of strength.

Brendan received a bit of healing from Kraddok, and then sought further healing from clerics of the Valiant, who did heal him but berated him for being alone and ugly.

That night, the half-orc wrestled in two sumo matches at his uncle Dorn's tavern. Brendan helped chase out a laborer who pulled out a dagger in the opening match between npc's. In his first bout, Brendan decisively tossed out a pair of gnomes (Kelpie and Pearl), who were no match for his rotund musculature. He was bested by a 300-lb man (Rolf) in the final match of the night, owing to his grievous shoulder injury.

Jun 04 2024

Slowball session.

Brendan bought a new suit from the tailor Adako. Lime green tights with cut-out lace on the sides. Baby-blue tunic. Leather belt with a silver buckle of a wolf baying at the moon. Burlap cloak with a hood too small for his head.

The half-orc ordered new leather armor from Dokkevi the leatherworker. He decided on "long-skirted kilt style".

He then spent the day with Shargg the Elemental Garbagewoman. They collected bone and shell garbage, which Brendan traded for a crowbar.

Shargg showed Brendan a hidden safe place of hers, a derelict apartment of a dead man, who is now a skeleton on the couch. She had defeated the lock years ago with magic, and squats in the tenement occasionally. Shargg gave Brendan permission to sleep at the apartment whenever he wished. There was a keg of Dead Fhokki Ale, which the duo used on the apartment's skeleton. His name is Ozgo and he was a longshoreman in life. He died somehow while eating. Brendan listened a bit about how Ozgo's afterlife works, then mostly asked about where to get more of the beer. Ozgo said it was made by a brewer named Villoa. The two living people in the apartment had more beer. Brendan helped himself to an iron shoehorn shaped like a bat. Shargg then took Brendan to the elemental temple, which was in a half-neglected park in the city.

At the temple, Brendan met two of Shargg's fellow ragpickers, a snaggletoothed man named Huzgo and a rotund man named Igbar. The two other clerics had spent the day killing rats in a cellar and were having a cigarette before going back to the temple. Wary of Brendan, a strange armed barbarian, they tested him by asking him to draw a tattoo on Huzgo, and to write lyrics for Igbar.

Brendan carved a tattoo onto the waste management monk Huzgo, his first ever attempt at the process. Brendan illustrated fresh beer being poured into a skull already depicted on the well-decorated man. Huzgo bled profusely and the process took 6 hours. Brendan declined to write song lyrics for Igbar, saying that he doesn't know how to write.

The barbarian wanderer then bathed with the neutral elemental monks, and they gave him a mango pie. They invited him to sleep in a dorm room, but wary of a religion possibly incompatible with his god, Brendan politely declined. Afterwards, the barbarian passed a month in the outskirts by training, trapping rabbits, and fixing up his hut.

Jun 15 2024

After a month of training and skincare the barbarian bathed in a somewhat-clean marsh river near a military fort. The conscripts who usually watch him bathe watched him bathe from up on their fortress walls, taking turns with the spyglass. He found an iron piglet in the stream, which now follows him around.

Brendan experimented with the piglet's moving parts, and has so far got it to convert water to smoke, and booze to alcohol-soaked tinder.

He also spotted an ogre drinking crabs and saltwater out of a tidepool and decided to ignore it.

After asking his uncle Dorn about the iron pig, Brendan learned that dwarves would know what it is. He helped some dwarves camped by the gates get on friendly terms with the owner of the Welcome Falcon (by giving the bartender's son a job). The dwarves then explained that the piglet is a nilmerg, a loyal machine with only one purpose. They answered Brendan's questions about the dwarven religion. The dwarves also insisted that Brendan choose the first building they would build, and he told them to make a brewery.

Brendan then tended his uncle's bar with his grandma. He chased after one dine & dasher, and brought him back to do enough labor to cover his meal (which would have taken about thirty days). When he came back to the tavern, about fifteen slobs were behind the bar sucking liquor out of the bottles. They scrammed when he came back in. Brendan bearhugged an additional escapee and made the two lowlifes clean the place up. One scholar and one beggar did pay their tabs.

At 2AM a Reanaarian with a hatchet wound on his nose came in, bought a turnip, and left. Brendan closed the place up, went back to his shack, and napped with his iron piglet.

At 1PM a retinue of the taxation office visited Brendan's shack and told him he needs to pay 1 gold piece for having a house, either at the harbor office or at the jail. Brendan went back to sleep in the dirt.